Is Modern Culture Ruining Childhood in Belize?
A culture is a set of values which are followed by number of people and is carried on through generations but there has been a shift from traditional to modern culture and as a result children have lost the meaning of childhood. Because of rapid technological advances, music and lax social norms, modern culture has become a detriment to childhood in Belize. Childhood is a phase in which children are supposed to be sacred, guarded and protected from the harsh truths of life but as a result of technology and social media, children are exposed to all of these things at an early age. This then leads to a spark in curiosity and children begin experimenting. The adventure once experienced and enjoyed by playing outside the house has been thrown aside for the pleasure of social media and video games. Children no longer care for sports and simple social interactions. Instead they hide behind the internet and computers, making friends online rather than face to face; co...